최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

李時憲의 山水詩와 그의 陶淵明⋅王維隱逸意識영향 관계 연구

DOI : 10.35955/JCH.2019.08.72.373

『ZhaiTeacher literary book』is Lee Si Hun's literary book during Chosun Dynasty era. Lee Si Hun write many poems sung by mountains and valleys. it describe the Unique Scenery of Kang Jin's Baek Woon Summer house. Lee Si Hun's poems is two types, one type is a Pure poems sung by mountains and valleys, the other is a poems with Taoism. The scope of study is 14 scenic views of Baek Woon house. 14 scenic views of Baek Woon house of 『ZhaiTeacher literary book』is a representative poems. It describes Spring, summer, autumn, winter of Baek Woon Summer house. A poems with Taoism has a sense of wanting to hide, and a sense of the Conflict in between wanting to work and hide. Lee Si Hun's sense of wanting to hide is affected by Chinese Do Yeon Myung and Wang Yu. A natural poems with Taoism means be free from the world and hide to Baek Woon Summer hous.

Ⅰ. 들어가기

Ⅱ. 李時憲의 純粹山水詩

Ⅲ. 李時憲의 體道山水詩

Ⅳ. 나가기
