So far, in many “history of modern Chinese literature”, the new poetry has called it a ‘hybrid’ born out of the influence of the West. However, the beginning activities related to the folk songs in the early stage of the new poetry gave new and changes in the process of the spontaneous growth of the new poetry, and felt the difficulties while homogenizing in the songs, and gained a lot of inspiration from it. This thesis expounds the necessity of studying the relationship between new poetry and folk songs, and steps on how to conduct research, and divides the inspiration part of the new poems in folk songs into the part to investigate. First, the new poetry and the folk songs are connected in the characteristics of ‘spoken language’. They are mainly spoken and have similarities in language, form and content. It is worth mentioning that the spoken language with dialect elements has a close relationship with the advanced posture of literature and art. Second, life has a vision. This rhythm is not to re-create a new rhythm, nor to say that all rhythms should not be used, but to use ‘the rhyme of the native sound’ and ‘the rhyme of nature’. Third, It emphasizes the poetic feeling. Zhou Zuoren(周作人), Liu Bannong(劉半農), and Yu Pingbo(兪平伯) all emphasized these features, saying that the poetic feeling Activates, it should not be writed and should never be writed in ordinary times. Many critics have a negative view of the relationship between new poetry and folk song, but the new poet found the folk song again in the transition period between the new and the old, and tried to join and improve the tradition in a new way. What can not be denied is that the folk songs has become a ‘small tradition’ of poetry, and has provided the possibility of improvement to the poetry.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 新詩와 民間歌謠의 관계 연구 절차
Ⅲ. 民間歌謠의 新詩에 대한 계시
Ⅳ. 나가는 말