최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

『歐蘇手簡』의 蘇東坡黃州時期手簡硏究

DOI : 10.35955/JCH.2019.12.73.291

This paper briefly examined its contents and features through a letter ≪ GuSeosugan≫ from Hwang Ju, an exile site. In the letters of the reign of the Hwangju, there are sentences in which the commons forget to live in the world with pleasure and optimism amid the difficulties of exile. At the same time, there are several paradoxical sentences. It is as follows the characteristics of the Su Tung Po's letters. First, it expresses the life of hardship. Su Tung Po faces the rigors of Odaeshian's ordeal. Second, it expresses the optimism. Despite being exiled to the Hwangju and driven to desperate circumstances, he does not lose his optimism about life and maintains his unique optimistic personality. It is a third paradoxical expression. In the face of political persecution, which cannot even communicate with close acquaintances, one does not lament the hopeless reality, but rather, a paradoxical expression unique to the fuss that has turned the hardship into a humor. In this paper, I could tell even a fragment of the life and thought of the Su Tung Po that appeared through Hwang Ju‘s letters. Although there was a limit to examining the literary and ideological characteristics of the Su Tung Po in general because the analysis target was limited to Hwang Ju‘s letters, the analysis of the letters of a certain period of time could highlight the meaning revealed in the detailed expression of the contents. This is why this paper is meaningful in that it was able to summarize the inner characteristics of the literary thought of the Su Tung Po at a certain time.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 黃州時期의 蘇東坡

Ⅲ. 『歐蘇手簡』의 黃州時期手簡

Ⅳ. 맺음말

부록 : <표> 『歐蘇手簡』의 蘇東坡黃州時期의 手簡分析
