This paper gives an explanation of the lived experiences of simulacre, especially the chronotope experience of the traditional regional culture of Xiangxi, and studies of the Dynamics of lived experiences. This study holds that lived experiences are a real existence for the hypothesis to study spatiality and literary mediated. Among them, the purpose of this research is to elucidate the historical and political events in ShenCongwen's literature, which are related to archives and records. The collective and representation of memory embodied in the autobiography (《从文自传》) and letter from 18 to 26 volumes in the complete works of ShenCongwen. This study discusses that the lived experience of violence and the political nature of ShenCongwen's literature in 1949. In the autobiography of Congwen(《从文自 传》,1932), A record-to several acquaintances” (《一点记录——给几个熟人》,1949), confession of a person (《一个人的自白》,1949), 42 letters and essay from 1948 to 1951 of 18 to 26 volumes in the complete works of ShenCongwen, this paper explains two typed of despair Simulacre and violent lived experiences in ShenCongwen's period from 1902 to 1922 and the period of attempted to suicide in 1949.
Ⅰ. 问题的提出(论题和材料)
Ⅱ. 沈从文的认识图像(cognitive mapping)及实感经验的特殊性,沈从文的两种殊异绝境
Ⅲ. 被政治化艺术的复数效果:郭沫若《斥反动文艺》的歧义性叙述
Ⅳ. 1949年沈从文自我分裂“场(space)”的时空观(chronotope)
Ⅴ. 1949年起,新中国“国家意识形态机器”里文艺的再生产(reproduction)机制
Ⅵ. 被关在“象征斗争”场里沈从文的“沉默”