This paper analyzed how Chinese nelogism were generate from 2010 to 2016. And from 2010 to 2016 of in the nelogism, we extracted a group of nelogism and examined the semantic and morphological aspects of the nelogism. First, the annual production of nelogism, composition of syllables, composition of nelogism, and unusual forms of nelogism were examined, and the analysis was conducted by extracting the same type of nelogism. The analysis materials is 侯敏, 邹煜, 周荐, 杨尔弘writed 『2010 汉语新词 语』, 『2011 汉语新词语』, 『2012 汉语新词语』, 『2013 汉语新词语』, 『2014 汉语新词语』, 『2015 汉语新词语』, 『2016 汉语新词语』. This study can help in the evolution of vocabulary in Chinese, vocabulary education, and research on Chinese society and people's consciousness, and I would like to conduct more specific research on the Chinese neologism group in the future based on the discussion of the main body.
Ⅰ. 들어가며
Ⅱ. 2010년-2016년 생성된 중국 신조어의 생성 현황
Ⅲ. 2010년-2016년 생성된 중국 신조어군의 생성 현황
Ⅳ. 나가며