This study examined the conceptual hybridization theory—a theoretical background— to consider the conceptualization pattern of the semantics of “sadongju” in the modern Chinese “RVC Chinese causative sentence” and explained the subjecting recognition process of Mingzheng Shadongju and Individualistic Shadongju. In other words, the semantics of causality in “RVC Chinese causative sentence” combined by causality could be explained through the psychospace theory and fixtures and presented through extension of the principle of the subjective cognitive system. As a result of this consideration, “RVC Chinese causative sentence” was presented based on the principle of the conceptual integration network, and the fixings—a specific element built in the mental space—act on semantic composition to develop causative events. The generative Pluto shares were conceptualized as causative events through the cognitive process of the principle of semantic readiness, the principle of economic feasibility, and the principle of subjectivity; the conceptualization pattern of the characterization of the “summary injection” and “foreground–background” presented as causative events. Therefore, we believe that the findings of this study regarding the conceptualization of the “Causer” semantics of “RVC Chinese causative sentence” based on conceptual hybridism has been clearly explained.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. ‘RVC사동문’의 ‘사동주’ 유형과 개념화
Ⅳ. 결론