최근 검색어 전체 삭제
中國學 第82輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

从隐喻计算模型看『平易近人』韩汉文本 “隐喻不对称”现象

Observing the Metaphor Asymmetry Phenomenon in “Ping Yi Jin Ren” Korean-Chinese Texts through the Metaphor Calculation Model

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2023.82.82.4


This paper mainly uses the Korean-Chinese text of “Ping Yi Jin Ren” as its corpus, examining the phenomenon of metaphor in Chinese text from three categories. Based on this, it analyzes the corresponding situation of these metaphors in Korean, focusing on the asymmetry of Korean-Chinese metaphor. The phenomenon of asymmetry of metaphor in Korean-Chinese text is divided into seven types and three situations. The seven types are objects, people, natural phenomena, events, medical, animals, and rivers and navigation. The three situations are: first, when the Chinese metaphor uses other images in Korean; second, when the Chinese metaphor uses explanatory language in Korean; and third, when the Chinese metaphor is directly omitted in Korean. This paper analyzes the process of metaphor formation in Chinese through the metaphor calculation model, and examines the asymmetrical situation in Korean text. It can be found that in addition to common factors such as cultural factors, living habits, and ways of thinking, the selection of intentionality and psychological field, the function of metaphor, the economy and appropriateness of language use, and context are also the main factors of asymmetrical metaphor.

1. 问题的提出

2. 前人研究与理论方法

3. 分类分析

4. 结论
