‘신동진’ 유전배경에 벼흰잎마름병 저항성 유전자 Xa21이 도입된 복합내병성 중만생 벼 ‘참동진’
The Multiple Disease-resistant, Mid-late Maturing Rice Cultivar ‘Chamdongjin’, Carrying the Bacterial Blight Resistance Gene Xa21, with the Genetic Background of ‘Sindongjin’
- 한국육종학회
- 한국육종학회지
- Vol.55 No.1
- : KCI등재
- 2023.03
- 86 - 102 (17 pages)
The rice cultivar ‘Chamdongjin’ was developed to enhance the disease resistance of ‘Sindongjin’. ‘Sindongjin’, developed by theRDA in 1999, is a mega-variety with a unique grain size and excellent taste, and has been cultivated in the largest area in Korea since2018. As ‘Sindongjin’ has been cultivated in a large area recently, problems such as pest damage are increasing, and the necessity to developalternative cultivars is emerging. Accordingly, the multiple disease-resistant, mid-late maturing rice cultivar ‘Chamdongjin’, carrying the bacterialblight resistance gene Xa21 into the genetic background of ‘Sindongjin’, was developed. ‘Chamdongjin’ was developed by the backcrossingmethod using the donor parent ‘HR27195-59-3-5-5’, harboring the bacterial blight resistance genes Xa3+Xa21 and the recurrent parent‘Sindongjin’. ‘Chamdongjin’ was selected through the pedigree method, yield trials, and local adaptability tests, with a high selection pressurefor agronomic trait similarities with ‘Sindongjin’. In order to effectively improve the disease resistance, marker-assisted selection for diseaseresistance genes and bioassays for bacterial blight, blast, and stripe virus were performed in parallel. ‘Chamdongjin’ was confirmed to havethree disease-resistance genes, Xa3+Xa21+Stvb-i. Most of agronomic traits of ‘Chamdongjin’ were similar to ‘Sindongjin’, while ‘Chamdongjin’showed enhanced disease resistance against bacterial blight and panicle blast compared to ‘Sindongjin’. ‘Chamdongjin’, like ‘Sindongjin’,possessed a grain size-related gene, the gs3 allele, and exhibited larger grains than general Korean japonica cultivars. In addition, ‘Chamdongjin’showed a similar or higher level of palatability compared to ‘Sindognjin’, indicating the excellent quality characteristics. In the genetic backgroundanalysis using 787 KASP markers, ‘Chamdongjin’ showed 96.3% homozygosity with ‘Sindongjin’, indicating that it had a more similar geneticbackground to ‘Sindongjin’ than to other existing cultivars. ‘Chamgdongjin’ is expected to be widely cultivated as an alternative to ‘Sindongjin’,which could maintain the brand value while preventing the disease damage caused to ‘Sindongjin’ (Registration No. 9310).
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