최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


DOI : 10.35955/JCH.2020.12.76.245

Wu Qiao was an enough important poet and commentator in the poetry circle of the early Qing Dynasty. He is aloof and arrogant, when he commented on ancient and modern literati's articles, his writing style was unscrupulous. But this is also his unique academic style and worth studying. Wu Qiao’s poetic thoughts of the Song Dynasty are vividly reflected in “Wei Lu Shi Hua”, and his poetic view is based on the respect of Tang poetry. In order to praise Tang poetry, he criticized the poetry of Song Ming and criticized the poetry school of Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty. Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasty poems are all compared to clarify the development trajectory of Chinese poetry. Therefore, Wu Qiao’s Song poetry thought has high research value.

Ⅰ. 绪论

Ⅱ. 唐宋诗之别

Ⅲ. 批判宋诗

Ⅳ. 品评宋诗流派

Ⅴ. 品评宋代诗人

Ⅵ. 唐宋元明清诗之比较
