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KCI등재 학술저널

戰國時期 秦系文字의 筆劃 및 偏旁의 繁化에 대한 考察

A Study of “Complication(繁化)” on the Character of Qin dynasty

DOI : 10.35955/JCH.2021.04.77.1

筆劃의 繁化라 함은 원래의 形體에 한 劃 또는 한 劃 이상의 飾筆이 增添된 현상으로 이렇게 增添된 筆劃은 그 글자의 形音義에는 어떠한 변화도 주어서는 안 된다. 이와 같이 秦系文字에 나타난 繁化의 例들을 통해서 飾筆이 增添된 원인들을 考察해 보고자 한다. 秦系文字는 偏旁의 繁化現象이 他系文字에 비해 상대적으로 단순하기도 하고 그 字例도 적은 편이다. 그리고 本稿에서 언급하는 偏旁의 繁化라 함은 순전히 義符偏旁으로만 增添된 경우에 한하며 繁飾으로 인한 音符偏旁은 논외로 하였다. 연구 결과, 秦系文字에서의 筆劃과 偏旁의 繁化現象은 文字의 變異가 심한 列國과는 달리 秦系文字는 保守性과 規範性 그리고 穩定性 등이 특징임을 확인할 수 있었다.

In the process of development for Chinese characters, despite of the fact that it has been in the pursuit of reducing original strokes and radicals for the sake of conciseness and convenience, it also has reflected its complexity and thrive to suit the needs of development in actual use. The multiplications of Chinese characters are meant to add a number of new parts or radicals to the original forms of characters, however, the sounds and the meaning of the characters remain the same, therefore sometimes the multiplications can be “optional”. Besides the basic form of Chinese characters in Warring States period, they are mostly decorative pens to play the role of flourishing decorations as well as beautification, which has not much been related with the original forms regardless of the basic formations. The so-called decoration pens and decoration strokes are additional parts; whereas, the multiplications , that is, from conciseness to complications, is of the same importance as the simplifications of Chinese characters in their progression history,that is to say, radicals or strokes are added to the original characters(including pictophonetic characters as well as sound symbols) to increase strokes based on the basic form, and this kind of multiplication phenomenon has been referred to as re-creating of characters from the original ones. It can be seen that in Chinese characters, the pictophonetic characters, ancient and contemporary characters, differentiated and accumulated characters are all consequences of the multiplications of Chinese characters.

Ⅰ. 序論

Ⅱ. 繁化의 원인 및 정의

Ⅲ. 筆劃의 繁化例

Ⅳ. 偏旁의 繁化例

Ⅴ. 結論
