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KCI등재 학술저널

『韓非子』「內儲說上·七術」의 서사 구조 분석을 통한 설득커뮤니케이션 전략 검토

Persuasion Strategy by Analyzing 「Inner Congeries of Sayings, The Upper Series: Seven Tacts」 (內儲說上·七術) in 『Han Feizi』 (韓非子): Focusing on inner analysis on text' 經,’ '說,’ '傳' and '一曰.‘

DOI : 10.35955/JCH.2021.12.79.191
  • 8

본고는 『韓非子』 「內儲說上·七術」을 통해 법가적 사유가 지니는 우언을 활용 한 설득술을 검토하였으며, 「儲說」의 함의 및 ‘經’의 가정형 문장 구조에 나타난 ‘故事性’과 ‘寄託性’, 그리고 ‘參觀’·‘一曰’의 내재적 가치를 고찰하였다. 필자는 연역식 방법론을 취하고 있는「內儲說上·七術」편에서 經說의 서사 구조가 우언을 들어 예증하는 방식으로 치밀하면서도 설득효과가 탁월한 점과 다분히 고사적 특성을 띠는 것에 주목하였으며, 세부적으로는 傳의 ‘一曰’ 구조가 호기심을 유발하는 탁월한 설득 커뮤니케이션 전략을 구사하고 있는 것에 주목하여 분석하였다. 본고는 논변체의 건조함을 상쇄할 문학적 묘미를 갖춘「內儲說上·七術」의 우언적 특성을 고찰하고, 군주를 설득하기 위한 서사 구조적 특성을 최적의 설득 전략으로 활용한 것을 분석하는 데에 의의를 두고자 하였다. 아울러 『한비자』 전편의 설득 유형 분석의 서단으로 삼고자 한다.

This paper examined the Legalist School's (fa jia 法家) use of allegory in 「Inner Congeries of Sayings, The Upper Series: Seven Tacts」 (內儲說上·七術), 『Han Feizi』 (韓非子). The 「Inner Congeries of Sayings, The Upper Series: Seven Tacts」 took the forms ‘經傳’ and the forms and structures of it interconnected one another. First, the sentence structure of jing (經) used the allegory and fable for effective persuasion. Han Feizi drove readers to understand meanings of the texts rather than directly revealing the meanings. Second, the sentences in Jing connected Jing and Zhuan (傳), which intrigued readers' curiosity. The sentences showed an effective persuasive strategy by attracting readers' and listeners' attention. Third, all quotations in Jing gathered key sentences under sub-theme categories, making readers guess their meanings by context. For the readers familiar with the Zhuan, the quotations made them successfully understand Han Feizi. Fourth, <Canguan> (參觀), the first chapter of 「Inner Congeries of Sayings, The Upper Series: Seven Tacts」 opened its chapter with the sentence of “If not A~.” The sentence was a strategy to express delicate issues of 'officials’ sayings.‘ Fifth, the sentences adopted interesting subjects, including dwarfs, to indirectly express writers’ ideas. The sentences were an expression of Han Feizi, who prioritizes human reason than myths. Han Feizi expressed that the danger of words and the difficulties of arguing against artful words. The analysis of <Canguan> revealed that Han Feizi used secret and elaborate tactics to a king. This study examined the allegorical features of 「Inner Congeries of Sayings, The Upper Series: Seven Tacts」 as Han Feizi’s way of persuading his king effectively using its unique literary styles. This study is also leading research of persuasive communication skills and types in 『Han Feizi』 overall.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 「儲說」의 함의와 ‘經·說’ 및 法·術·勢의 상관성

Ⅲ. 『韓非子』「內儲說上·七術」우언의 서사 구조 분석을 통한 설득술

Ⅳ. ‘經說’체의 문체적 속성 및 ‘一曰’의 문체론적 구조 분석

Ⅴ. 결론
