본 연구는 중국 漢나라 紀信의 ‘替王身死’ 문화를 申崇謙의 경우와 비교하여 우리나라에서 문화적으로 어떻게 수용했는지 그 양상을 연구한 것이다. 먼저, 기신과 신숭겸의 생전 및 사후 추앙 부분을 비교해 보았고, 다음으로 역대 우리나라 사람들이 지은 碑文, 祭文, 行狀 등 추모 분야에서의 기신에 대한 문화적 수용 양상을 살펴보았다. 문헌 기록과 구전되는 전설 등에 근거하면, 기신은 四川省 西充縣 출신에 河南省 滎陽市에 무덤이 있고, 신숭겸은 곡성 출신에 춘천에 무덤이 있으며, 목 무덤은 별도로 곡성에 있다. 생전과 사후에 받았던 대우에 있어서는 서로 차이가 있었지만, 사후에 성황으로 받들어진 공통점도 지니고 있다. 그러나 기신은 중국 30여 개 지역에서 황제에 의해 성황으로 敕封되어 숭배되었고, 신숭겸은 곡성에서 토착세력을 중심으로 지역민에 의해 숭배되었다는 차이점이 있다. 비문과 제문, 행장 등 사후에 고인을 추모하는 사업과 관련된 글들은 平山申氏 시조인 신숭겸이 王建을 위해 순절한 것이 劉邦을 위해 죽은 기신과 같았음을 밝혀, 그의 忠과 절개를 이어 받아 신숭겸 후손들도 군왕에게 충성을 다했음을 칭송하고 있는 내용들이 대부분임을 실증할 수 있었다. 반면에, 천편일률적으로 기신의 충절만을 수용했다는 한계점도 확인할 수 있었다.
The object of this study is to reveal aspects how Jixin's 'Die for the King' culture of the Han Dynasty of China was culturally accepted in Korea compared to those of Sin Sung-gyeom. First, I compared the remembrances of Jixin with those of Sin Sung-gyeom in their lives or after their death, and then looked into the acceptance patterns of Jixin in the field of Memorial built by Koreans in the past. According to the literature records and oral legends, Jixin's hometown is in Xichong, and his tomb is in Xingyang. Sin Sung-gyeom is from Gokseong and has a tomb in Chuncheon, and his Neck's tomb is in Gokseong separately. There were differences in their the treatment received in their lives or after their death. Jixin received no special treatment received in life and after death, but Sin Sung-gyeom was treated much better than Jixin both in life and after death. For example, while alive, he was treated as a Founding hero. Even after his death, built a temple and prayed for rest. His family was given a public post, and he was enshrined in Wang Geon's, on the first founder of Koryŏ Dynasty, shrine. They all died for the sake of the king, but in terms of treatment, Sin Sung-gyeom was treated more than Jixin. On the other hand, they also have something in common that they were honored as a City God after their death. However, there is the difference between them. Jixin was appointed and worshiped as a City God by the Emperor's orders in about 30 regions of China, and whereas, Sin Sung-gyeom was worshiped by local people, mainly indigenous peoples in Gokseong. Monumental writing, Funeral oration and Records of a deceased person's life written by Koreans reveal that the death of Sin Sung-gyeom are similar to that of Jixin. Through these, the loyalty of Sin Sung-gyeom is praised. Furthermore, the descendants of Sin Sung-gyeom who inherited the loyalty of Sin Sung-gyeom are also praised because of their loyalty to the king. In this paper, I argue that there is the limitation of accepting only Jixin's allegiance.
Ⅰ. 緖言
Ⅱ. 紀信과 申崇謙의 生前및 死後추앙 비교
Ⅲ. 우리나라 추모 분야에서의 紀信수용 양상
Ⅳ. 結語