영혼의 태아 투입은 일부 종교에서 환생의 자연스러운 과정으로 받아들여진다. 이에 반해서 한 개의 영혼이 거의 죽어가는 다른 사람의 몸에 들어가 살아나는 이른바 ‘차시환혼’은 아주 특이한 현상이다. 그런 기록이 중국 고대 여러 문헌에 산발적으로 보이는데, 영혼과 육신의 교체라는 관점으로 본다면 이런 현상이 완전히 불가능한 일은 아닐 것이다. 이런 현상을 오늘날 우리는 어떻게 받아들여야 할까. 한 영혼이 한 생에서 치러야 하는 일정한 분량의 카르마가 있어서 그것을 완결 짓도록 물리적인 시간을 준 것은 아닐까? 연구 결과 다른 몸으로 다시 살아난 사람이 세상 사람들에게 “무엇이 복이 되고 무엇이 죄가 되는지 알도록”하는 것이 '차시환혼'의 목적이다. 이로 보면 영계에서는 하나의 일관된 기준이 있는데 그것은 '균형'이다. 일반적으로 고대 문헌상의 이런 기록을 두고 권선징악을 가르치기 위해 지어낸 글로 보는 견해가 있는데, 사실은 영계 자체의 원칙이 '균형의 회복'을 전제로 한 권선징악이었던 것이다. 본 연구를 통해 정리된 내용을 개괄하자면 '차시환혼'은 일부 죽은 사람에게 타인의 육신으로라도 다시 살아서 남은 시간 동안 카르마를 탕감하고 균형을 회복하는 결실로 영적인 성장의 기회를 주는 일임을 알 수 있다.
The fetal implant of soul is accepted as the natural process of soul reincanation to some religions, whereas 'walk-in' is considered an erratic phenomenon. Although records of such 'walk-in' appear sporadically in ancient Chinese literature, considering the natural cycle and replacement of non-meterial souls and materal bodies, it seems there is an inevitable principle that has been applied to them. That is, if a soul has to go through a certain amount of karma in its life, a physical time is allotted so that one can finish it. As we put it together, if we recall the first question we had about this phenomenon, why doesn't Spiritual World lead him to a new fetus and live a new life, even if it's a spirit that dies without a fixed life span? Suppose people die unexpectedly before fully living their given life span, regarding the principle mentioned we can only wonder, why doesn't the Spiritual World lead the souls to a new fetus and let them live a new life? The question is why souls are allowed to put into a dying body under the condition similar to a previous life. As a result of a sumarizing and analyzing the above various cases, my view is that if souls plan to live a certain physical time on a planet, the mission to complete the physical life process designated for those souls will remain in that planet's time. Otherwise, there is no reason for the administrators of the Spiritual World to give the souls more time for physical life in a way called 'walk-in'. In the Spiritual World, the 'walk-in' phenomenon did not just give time for recycling body and physical life. As seen in the case of Jukgyejeong, he hears from the administrators of the Spiritual World that the purpose of 'walk-in' is to let people “know what is good and what is sinful” by reincarnating through other people's bodies.. The same sayings are recorded in the case of bang's daughter. Lee's daughter-in-law's spirit is put into Bang's daughter on the grounds that “it would be difficult to encourage people to live doing good deeds” unless she is revived through other's body and succeed the generation. In many other records, the main point of the conversation by dead spirits with the managers of Spiritual World after their arrival to the Spiritual World was the inspection of good and evil deeds. In this regard, there is a consistent standard in the Spiritual World, that is poetic justice. In general, there is a view that this record in ancient literature is made up to teach “know what is good and what is sinful”, however, in actuality, the principle of the Spiritual World itself was “know what is good and what is sinful”, and the basic laws of all life phenomena encouraged good and punished evil.In other words, to summarize the above studies, it can be seen that 'walk-in' gives a few dead people an apportunity for spiritual growth as a result of good deeds by writing off Karma for the rest of their lives even with the body of others.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 『태평광기』의 ‘차시환혼’ 기록
Ⅲ. 그 외의 ‘차시환혼’ 기록
Ⅳ. 고금의 ‘차시환혼’ 기록 비교
Ⅴ. ‘차시환혼’ 기록의 패턴과 그 특징
Ⅵ. 결론