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KCI등재 학술저널

張志和의「漁歌」가 朝鮮詞에 미친 영향

The Acceptance of Zhang Zhihe’s Yuge in The Chosun Ci

DOI : 10.35955/JCH.2022.08.81.211
  • 4

張志和의 歸隱의 삶을 노래한 「漁歌」는 창작 당시부터 和答詞가 지어졌으며, 서기 827년 日本에도 전해져 日王과 公主 大臣들이 效體를 지을 정도로 환영을 받았다. 宋代에는 당시의 文豪였던 蘇軾과 黃庭堅이 앞다투어 「漁歌」를 變容한 「浣溪沙」와 「鷓鴣天」을 지었으니, 이런 현상은 「漁歌」가 오랜 기간 詞人들의 사랑을 받았음을 증명하는 것이다. 韓半島에 「漁歌」가 들어온 흔적은 高麗末에나 나타났고, 그것을 최초로 詞로 效體한 詞人은 17世紀에 생존했던 金壽增이었다. 물론 그 이전에 생존했던 朝鮮 初期 詞人들도 「漁歌」의 존재를 알고 자신의 詩文에 응용하기는 했으나, 詞體로 창작하지는 않았다. 「漁歌」의 次韻作은 18세기 후반에야 비로소 나타나기 시작하였고, 聯章體의 次韻詞는 19세기에야 나타난다. 본 연구는 高麗와 朝鮮의 詞人들이 張志和의「漁歌」를 어떻게 수용하였는지를 밝혀내는데 그 목적이 있다. 또한 朝鮮의 詞作에 나타난 「漁歌」의 效體와 次韻作을 찾아 내용과 형식의 문제점을 지적하고, 「漁歌」가 다른 唐宋詞와는 다르게 詩 그리고 歌辭 문학과 時調 및 민화와 신선도에도 영향을 주었다는 방증 자료를 제시하고자 한다.

In Chinese classical literature, fisherman's image is related to Hermit. For this reason, many writers borrowed and used fisherman's image to sing Hermit. “Yuge”, a song by Zhang Zhihe's retire to Hermitage in the Nature, was not only enthusiastically written in the form of responsorial lyrics in Tang Dynasty, but also was introduced to Japan in 827 AD and was welcomed to the extent that Japanese king, princess, and minister make imitations of the song. In Song Dynasty, Su Shi and Huang Tingjian, rushed to write “Huanxisha” and “Zhegutian”, which was acculturative literature of “Yuge”, proving that “Yuge” has long been loved by Ci poets. The record of “Yuge” in Korean Peninsula only appeared at the end of Goryeo and the first Ci poet who wrote it as Ci was Kimsuzeng in 17th century. Ci poets in the early Chosun Dynasty, which was even before 17th century, knew about the existence of “Yuge” and applied it to their Poetry and Pose, but did not create it as the form of Ci. One of the distinct feature of “Yuge”' rhyme-matching Ci did not appear until the late 18th century, and the chapter-after-chapter rhyme-matching Ci did not appear until the 19th century. The purpose of this study is to reveal how the Ci poets of Goryeo and Chosun accepted Zhang Zhihe's “Yuge.” In addition, I would like to point out the problem of form and the content of Yuge pastiche and rhyme-matching Ci which was shown in Chosun ci and also unlike other Tangsong Ci, present the evidence of that “Yuge” was widely known to the people in Chosun.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 張志和의 「漁歌」의 題材와 詞律

Ⅲ. 朝鮮詞의 「漁歌」수용 양상

Ⅳ. 나오는 말
