최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


The Current Situation of Chinese insect tea and value reasearch

DOI : 10.35955/JCH.2022.08.81.375
  • 6

곤충차는 특종 곤충이 특종 식물에서 배출한 분뇨 알갱이를 취합하여 만든 것으로, 영양 보건과 약용 가치를 한 데 모은 진귀한 찻잎 대용 음료이다. 중국 서남 소수민족이 곤충차를 사용한 지 수 세기가 지났고, 지방색과 민족색이 짙다. 그것은 다양한 중국 차 문화의 중요한 구성 부분이다. 그러나 장기간에 걸쳐 생산방식은 원시적이고 생산주기는 길며 생산량과 품질은 통제하기 어렵다. 국내외 곤충차에 대한 연구가 비교적 적고 곤충차 자원에 대한 체계적인 조사가 부족하다. 주요 곤충차 품종의 화학성분 및 영양 보건 작용과 생체 안전성 평가에 큰 차이가 있다. 이것이 곤충차의 연구개발, 생산공정 및 품질향상에 어려움을 주고 있다. 따라서, 본문은 곤충차의 선행 연구 성과를 귀납 정리하여 곤충차에 대한 인지도 향상을 도모하고, 향후 곤충차 연구에 참고자료를 제공하고자한다.

Insect tea, a traditional drink for the ethnic minority in southwest China, is a native product of China, and it has a long history. Insect tea is made of the feces of insects that feed on plants and is suggested to has a variety of health protection benefits.In the scientific point of view, insect tea is not tea because it originates from insect feces; however, it is called tea because the way to drink it and the color of the drink are analogous to tea. A tiny amount of insect tea particles in boiled water can make a cup of yellow-red tea without any residues, and its flavor is even better than that of other teas. Thus, it is also called a boutique tea. However, insect tea has not gained sufficient attention, and little basic research and few clinical data are available. At present, due to the household production of insect tea, Insect tea can be produced by a variety of insects and hosting plants,which could cause large difference in composition.Therefore, the in-depth study on the standardized and normalization is necessary and urgent. For a long time, produced through field collection,the low productivity have limited the amount of insect tea for research ,the determination of nutritional components, health care function and biological safety evaluation of main insect tea varieties, the functional development of insect tea, the research and development of insect tea production technology, and the demonstration and application promotion still need further research. Therefore, this paper summarizes the previous research results of insect tea, in order to enhance people's awareness and recognition of insect tea, and play an important theoretical support role for the future development and utilization of insect tea industry.

Ⅰ. .绪论

Ⅱ. 虫茶的研发现状

Ⅲ. 虫茶的类型

Ⅳ. 虫茶的生产工艺

Ⅴ. 虫茶的成分

Ⅵ. 虫茶的价值

Ⅶ. 结论与展望
