중국 신소설론의 창작 실제와의 간극, 그 너머의 담론 고찰
A study on the gap between the new novel theory in China and the creative reality, and the discourse beyond it. : Focused on the verification of 「The development in Japanese novels last 30years」 by Zhouzuoren
본 논문은 1918년 저우쭤런(周作人)이 「日本近三十年小說之發達」에서 중국 신소설 발전을 위해 제시한 주요 논점에 대해 검증을 진행하였다. 먼저, 周作人의 논점 검증을 위한 선행 검토로서 일본 메이지(明治) 17-18년의 문예 양상을 고찰한 뒤, 중국 신소설의 현주소와 20여 년의 담론 성과 간의 간극에 관하여 검증하였다. 검증 1)에서는 1890년대 후반 이후 20여 년의 중국소설 변혁을 위한 모색 성과들을 되짚어보면서 이 시기 중국 소설계가 과연 메이지 17-18년 양상에 정체되어 있는가에 대하여 논하였다. 검증 2)에서는 중국 신소설 발전을 위한 목전의 필독서, 일본의 『小說神髓』 학습에 착수해야 한다는 周作人의 주장과 관련, 중국 신소설 담론의 성과 가운데 소설을 예술의 한 장르로 자리매김한 쓰보우치 쇼요(坪内逍遥)의 인식과 맥락을 함께 하는 중국 논자들의 담론을 근거로 검증 작업을 진행하였다. 그리고 이와 같은 작업과 논의를 통해 그간의 중국 신소설 제 담론으로부터 周作人의 주장에 대한 반증을 도출해내었다.
This study examines the discourses of various scholars in the discourse of Chinese new novels, looks at the trend of the formation of the realm of Chinese modern literary theory, and tries to establish a literary aesthetic system for Chinese new novels. Therefore, as the first step in the step-by-step study, Zhouzuoren(周作人) tried to open a chapter in the field of modern literary theory in China by disproving the point claimed in 「The development in Japanese novels last 30years(日本近三十年小說之發達)」. In other words, retrospectively from 1918, when Zhouzuoren(周作人) spoke, the flow of 20 years of development of Chinese novel novels was considered. To this end, the materials of Chinese novel theory were selected and the discourses of various scholars were analyzed, and the verification of the points of his remarks was taken as the beginning of the study. The detailed research contents are as follows. To this end, first, as a preliminary review to verify Zhouzuoren (周作人)'s point, the literary and artistic aspects of Meiji(明治) 17-18 were considered, and the gap between the current status of Chinese new novels and the discourse achievements of 20 years was verified.. Specifically, in Verification 1), looking back on the achievements of the search for the transformation of Chinese novels over the past 20 years since the late 1890s, it was discussed whether the Chinese novel industry was stagnant in the Meiji(明治) 17-18 years at this time. In Verification 2), in relation to Zhouzuoren(周作人)’s argument that the current must-read for the development of new Chinese novels and the Japanese 『Shosetsu Shinzui(小說神髓)』 should be embarked on, among the achievements of the discourse of Chinese new novels, the novel is a field of art. The verification work was carried out based on the discourse of Chinese scholars who share the perception and context of Tsubouchi Shoyo(坪内逍遥), who has established itself as a And through these works and discussions, the discourse on the new Chinese novels has been deduced to disprove the claim of the Zhouzuoren(周作人).
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 저우쭤런(周作人)의 논점 검증을 위한 선행 검토: 일본 메이지(明治) 초기부터 17-18년의 문예 양상
Ⅲ. 중국 신소설의 현주소와 20여 년의 담론 성과 간의 간극
Ⅳ. 나오는 말