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KCI등재 학술저널

蘇軾의 詩書畵論이 高麗에 미친 영향에 대한 고찰

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This article is about a study on the features of Sush's theory of Poem-Writing-Paintingwho is still admired as the best in Song dynasty in terms of Poem-Writing-Painting by thecritics from the west, east, old age and contemporary age and showed unrivalled achievementand also on the trend how Goryeo people accepted and practiced his theory.The age of Song dynasty in which Sush lived was the era that advocated ‘the Idea forCivil Administration’, so that it was the age that was prevailed by the character of ‘Sangeui(尙意: Respecting the Idea)’ that upgraded the literary men’s own unique personality, will andcharacter to the art. In addition, this age showed such looks as mutual penetration ofConfucianism, Buddhism and Taoism based ideas, spread of Zen Learning and mutual mixingof poem, writing and painting. As a result, this age naturally created the thoughts thatappreciated the integration of literary men’s painting and poem placing the poem and paintingon the same level. Thus, the painting belonging only to professional artists was accepted intoYeogi (餘技: hobbies) of the gentry community; and then began to be created as the gentrypeople’s own cultural enjoyment; and finally, the Theory for Uniformity of Poem, Writing andPainting was presented.The Theory for Uniformity of Poem, Writing and Painting was earnestly advocated andpracticed by Sush who claimed that the artistic value was closely related with the individualauthor's own personality. Such theory of art of his has a big significance in the history ofChinese literature, word-writing and painting ideas in the aspect that such theory was formed by going through the artistic spirit dwelling in Chinese genuine Poem-Writing-Paintingat a constant axis. This idea of his did not only play an important role in the later Chineseculture but also tremendously influence Goryeo.Sush may have been an ultra-nationalist who had the viewpoint of anti-Goryeo in thediplomatic history between Song and Goryeo. The intellectuals of Goryeo, however,positively accepted his literatures and arts even with such an ultra-nationalism based worksof his. For, he presented some goals and hopes to the Goryeo people by showing theintellectuals of Goryeo a good example in the art and life; forming their common responseto his attitude that appreciated his life of hardship; and making them experience his artisticsuccess through a number of his work-pieces.We can say that Goryeo people did not only accept and love his literatures and arts butalso furthermore upgrade them to the artistic work-pieces that met Korean sense based onthe inspiration they gained from his work-pieces. It is true that Goryeo made a bigachievement and progress in Chinese literature and Writing-Painting. Nobody may deny it.It is also thought that Sush's influence cannot be ignored in such a big achievement andprogress.

1. 序論

2. 蘇軾의 書畵論의 특징

3. 蘇軾書畵論이 高麗에 미친 영향

4. 結論
