In this article, we select three typical Chinese Characters word tables in Korean. We analyze them from their amount, code digit and inner relationships . We also did a statistical coverage rate for these three word tables. We corrected the actual amount of the 4888 words, point out and give suggestions on the problems existing in their fonts and code digits. This article will provide precise data and materials for the research on the amount of current Chinese Characters in Korean; the standardization of Chinese Characters; the universal use of Chinese Characters in China, Japan and Korea, as well as the research of the development and the changes of Chinese Characters in Korean language.
1. 引言
2. 韓國現代用漢字字表的個案分析
3. 4888字表與3500字表1800字表的關係
4. 研究結論
5. 對韓國現代用漢字字表的調整建議