In terms of vocabulary, Chinese characters are used more than 50% in the modern Korean language. Recently, the more often there are interchanges between Korea and China, the more people who learn the language of the counterpart are growing. If the learners of both countries make sure relations between Chinese characters of Korea and the Chinese language, it could help the learners grasp new language better and prevent them from indulging in misconception. Based on the comparative theory, this thesis progresses comparative study on Chinese characters of Korea and Chinese vocabulary. Chinese characters of Korea have many features since the influence of each different language environment. Thus, this thesis makes a comparison with lexical features of the two language systems. Since Chinese characters were exported to Korea, it has gone through great environmental changes several times. Transition of current Chinese characters to adapt to changes is an inevitable consequence and is different from connotations of modern Chinese. Some people pointed out shortcomings that Chinese characters of Korea were only limited to the implied meaning, not using connotations of Chinese. Futhermore, Korean people feel more difficult to learn Chinese characters because they use original letters which are more complicated in writing and memorizing. What I found from Korean point of view was that the comparative study of Chinese characters between Korea and China was not only valuable in learning Chinese, but also helpful for us to understand Chinese characters correctly, and beneficial for us to better grasp mother tongue as well.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 한중 어휘의 품사 전성에 따른 의미 차이 분석
Ⅲ. 결론