Based on rural language materials, this thesis aims to make a comparison of nàme, suǒyǐ, ránhòu as discourse markers in Chinese, and their similarities as well as differences will be revealed from three aspects. First, looking from the linear position, all of the three won’t appear at the beginning of the first turn in conversion. When it comes to the rate of appearing at the beginning of other turns, the rate of suǒyǐ is apparently higher than the other two’s. Second, the main function of all of the three is discourse organization. But there are differences in rate and more detailed functions. Third, there are some relationship between their functions and positions.
一. 问题的提出
二. 话语标记“那”、“所以”、“然后”的出现位置比较
三. 话语标记“那”、“所以”、“然后”的使用功能比较
四. 话语标记“那”、“所以”、“然后”的功能位置的关系