In modern Chinese,“personal pronoun +zhe(这)/ na(那)+noun” is a common construction which has two structural types such as attributive structure and appositive structure. Related to this, the semantic relationship between personal pronouns and “zhe(这)/ na(那)+noun” also has two types, including modification and appositional epanalepsis. In the attributive structure, “zhe(这)/ na(那)”not only has referential meaning but also acts as the mark of attribute. In the appositive structure, “zhe(这)/ na(那)+noun” has its unique pragmatic functions and rhetorical value: emphatic mood and subjective appraisal.
Ⅰ. “人称代词﹢‘这/那’短语”格式的结构特点
Ⅱ. “人称代词﹢这/那+NP”格式的语义特点
Ⅲ. 结语