최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

역사서사(歷史敍事)에서 문학서사(文學敍事)로

  • 4

Korean and Chinese novels on WanBaoShan Incident which was a conflict between Korean and Chinese peasants in Manchuria over have essential implications on putting together Korean modern history and discussing the identity of the Korean people today. Among them, three literary works, specially WanBaoShan written by LiXiaoshi, Peasant by LeeTaeJun, and Riceplants by AhnSooGil signify the Incident from various positions. This study explores the device of fictional variation which can be found in the novels written during the transition period from epic narratives into fictional narratives. The fictional variations employed in the novels are configured as national resistance for clamoring for participation in the reality, Korean immigrants’ awareness of their own sufferings and national conflicts between Korean immigrants settling in and Chinese peasants in Manchuria, and Chinese peasants’ perceptions of Korean immigrants.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 歷史敍事와 文學敍事의 異同

Ⅲ. 歷史敍事와 文學敍事의 境界

Ⅳ. 나오는 말
