최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


Wangmeng is the representative of some authors who grew up after 1949. He was the minister of ministry of culture of China. His fictions are so influential that had been recommend to Nobel prize in literature. There are three parts in this thesis. First part study Wangmeng’s preceding writing with an narratology and determine his writing’s development venation: transition from all-knowing narrative aspect to Limited-knowing narrative aspect. This part also want to illuminate the changing’s influence in narrative results and artistic expressions. Second part indicate the new development track after 1978: from Limited -knowing narrative aspect return to all -knowing narrative aspect. It not only discuss the originality of Wangmeng’s writing with Limited-knowing narrative aspect, but also elucidate the closely connection between all-knowing narrative aspect and narrative effect of satire and humor. Third part Sought the inside power which prompted narrative aspect to evolue and point out An important reason that narrative aspect evolue is that the binary composition made up of poet temperament and revolutionary’s calmness oppose and coordinate.

一. 叙述话语与叙事角度探析

二. 前期创作中全知叙事向限知叙事的过渡

三. 新时期创作:限知叙事的兴盛,全知叙事的回归

四. 叙事角度更迭的内驱力探源

五. 结语
