최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

中國人 醫療觀光 誘致活性化 方案 硏究

The literature on medical tourism has focused almost exclusively on international medical tourism. The medical tourism(the phenomenon of people travelling abroad to access medical treatment) industry is a fast growing global niche market that generated $79.5 billion in income for destinations around the world. Improved understanding of medical tourism provides additional information about a contemporary approach to health-seeking behavior. The number of China outbound medical tourism has increased significantly and China medical tourism market is emerging as a very important market. This paper examine the behavioral characteristic of China medical tourists and provide how to activate inbound medical tourism of China. The results are as follows. First, Medical tourism brand image of Korea should be established. Second, Medical tourism service providers should enhance the satisfaction levels of China medical tourists. We should efforts to raise the quality of the medical tourist’s satisfaction and improve an image of Korea. Third, Medical tourism professionals should be educated. Fourth, Professional medical tourism cluster should be assigned and supported continually. And high valued medical tourism products should be developed and promoted to the Chinese market. Through future research we expect the comparative study of medical tourists by nationality is performed.

Ⅰ. 序論

Ⅱ. 醫療觀光의 槪念및 類型

Ⅲ. 中國醫療觀光市場의 現況

Ⅳ. 中國人醫療觀光誘致活性化方案

Ⅴ. 結論
