최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

북송 문인들의 교유시를 통한 雙井茶 연구

  • 10

Song and Tang Dynasties are two most victorious periods in Chinese history. Tang dynasty, however endeavored more to extend externally, Song Dynasty tried to put more energy to govern internally based on the centralized system. SSangJungCha is one of the leaf teas that produced short period during Song dynasty. But SSangJungCha has very important meaning in tea history. Leaf tea and cake tea both were produced and being loved very long time. However, cake tea was far more standing out than leaf tea. There could be many reasons, but most important reason might be that cake tea was mainly consumed by higher bureaucratic including emperors. After Ming dynasty and till now most people drinks leaf tea. SSangJungCha did very important role in this dramatic change. Manufacturing method of cake tea is very complicated, hard to make, hard to make in mass production, and naturally very expensive. In contrasting to cake tea, SSangJungCha is leaf tea and very easy to produce. Just picking the tea leaves and roasting are all needed procedure. Very simple to make, so mass production was possible and naturally very chief. So the average Chinese can drink the leaf tea in their every day life. If there was no leaf tea, there would be no public tea culture in China. SSangJungCha did the bridge role between changing from the cake tea to leaf tea. Unfortunately, however making leaf tea method is not clearly written down in professional tea related books. The reason may be that leaf tea manufacturing method is relatively simple and being consumed by average person. To compensate this insufficiency, this study analyzed the poems of North Song Dynasty, and try to find the producing method of SSangJungCha. SSangJungCha used same very young tea leaves like cake tea. And also it needs steaming procedure and powdering process to drink. But similarities stop here. SSangJungCha did not require squeezing procedure to extracting the essence of tea. Also just putting the prepared tea leaves into the hot water is all needed procedure to drink. Simple to make, simple to prepare, mass production is possible, very chief and most importantly leaf tea can keep good aroma and taste of original tea has. Modern leaf tea does not require steaming procedure, instead it needs roasting in the hot pan. More simple but better aroma and taste. Without leaf tea there would no public tea culture in tea history. This study tries to find epic role and manufacturing method of SSangJungCha. Future works may be made on the finding the differences of appraisal between higher bureaucrats about the SSangJungCha which was newly introduced at that time.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 북송대 문인사회와 쌍정차

Ⅲ. 쌍정차를 매개로 한 교유시 분석

Ⅳ. 결론
