최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

1990년대 이후 韓少功의 문화비평 考察

Although Han Shaogong created works by accepting unconventionality from postmodernism in 1986 but since 1990, his directivity has turned toward realism. The realism mentioned here can be considered ‘Han Shaogong’s realism’ rather than existing forms. Han Shaogong absorbed what he should learn from Western trend, digested and trained them on his own to attempt to take solid roots in Chinese soil. His attempt bore fruit including Maqiao Dictionary (馬橋詞典) in 1996, a novel where literature, history and philosophy are integrated and prose-styled novels of Anshi (暗示, Suggestion) and Shannan Shuibei (山南水北, South of Mountain and North of River) and I would name his novel creation procedure as ‘practical realism.’ Han Shaogong has fostered his values that human life can only be proved by practice. Life with practice of labor and healthy people working and living with nature – this is the very livelihood of work which Han Shaogong desires to write. It caused him to turn toward realism with practice. There are two reasons why Han Shaogong started to distance himself from postmodernism. First, a theory without honest description of everyday life falls into the shade over time and technique of postmodernism cannot seriously express this course of life. Second, he thinks that neither postmodernism nor realism can exert its power in modern society dominated by material civilization over moral one.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 韓少功의 포스트모더니즘 문화에 대한 懷疑

Ⅲ. 韓少功작품의 탈포스트모더니즘적 경향

Ⅳ. 나가며
