최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

『傷寒雜病論』의 언어학적 연구

The zhe(者)‘s of “ShangHanLun(傷寒論)” imply supposition, judgement, and classification. In order to comprehend the intention of the writer, it needs to understand the usage of 'zhe'. I have shown some categories of these usages. It includes no marks; the basic form of zhe(者); ruo(若); ruo......zhe(若...... (者); zhe, she......zhe.(者, 設...... 者); zhe, ruo(者, 若); zhe, ruo...... zhe(者, 若......者); zhe, ialing......zhe(者, 假令...... 者); suoyi......zhe(所以...... 者); zhe, suoyiranzhe(者, 所以然者); ruo, ruo......zhe, zhe(若......, 若......者, 者); ruo......zhe, she......zhe, ruo(若...... 者, 設...... 者, 若); zhe, ruo......zhe, suoyiranzhe(者, 若...... 者, 所以然者); suoyiranzhe(所以然者). We can grasp the real connotation of each items of “ShangHanLun(傷寒論)” when these subcategories are understood clearly.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ.『傷寒論』者자구 조항의 유형

Ⅲ. 맺음말
