The zhe(者)‘s of “ShangHanLun(傷寒論)” imply supposition, judgement, and classification. In order to comprehend the intention of the writer, it needs to understand the usage of 'zhe'. I have shown some categories of these usages. It includes no marks; the basic form of zhe(者); ruo(若); ruo......zhe(若...... (者); zhe, she......zhe.(者, 設...... 者); zhe, ruo(者, 若); zhe, ruo...... zhe(者, 若......者); zhe, ialing......zhe(者, 假令...... 者); suoyi......zhe(所以...... 者); zhe, suoyiranzhe(者, 所以然者); ruo, ruo......zhe, zhe(若......, 若......者, 者); ruo......zhe, she......zhe, ruo(若...... 者, 設...... 者, 若); zhe, ruo......zhe, suoyiranzhe(者, 若...... 者, 所以然者); suoyiranzhe(所以然者). We can grasp the real connotation of each items of “ShangHanLun(傷寒論)” when these subcategories are understood clearly.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ.『傷寒論』者자구 조항의 유형
Ⅲ. 맺음말