Since ancient to date, xuan paper, Chinese writing brush, inkstick and inkstone are so called “four treasures of the study”. The name of “four treasures of the study” showed what and how the attitude these ancient scholars treasured these writing tools. Based on this, it effected a lot on the following scholars and makes fanatical scholars crazy for collecting these “four treasures of the study”. During the period of Northern Song dynasty, there were many fanatical antiquers and Su Dung-Po was the most famous antiquer of them. From the “On Su Dongpo's Prefaces and Postscripts, 東坡題跋” we can know his favorite hobby and viewpoints of “Ink” and also the excellence of “ancient Korea Ink” and “Silla Ink”. Herein, we investigated Su Dung-Po’s viewpoints one the “Ink” and further analyzed the deep meaning of the sentence “非人磨墨墨磨人”. In conclusion, we tried to clarify the reason why Su Dung-Po sustained research on “Ink’, and the philosophy of “ink” propose by him.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 蘇軾의 먹(墨)에 대한 識見
Ⅲ. 蘇軾의 먹에 대한 애착
Ⅳ. 癖’의 禪家的轉換-‘非人磨墨墨磨人’
Ⅴ. 결론