최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


This article’s research object is the evolution of Chinese post-modern drama. It evaluated the evolution and art characteristic of post-modern drama. Not only proposed three important evolution stage of post-modern drama: the deconstruction and rebellious, entertainment and leftist political, pioneer and experimental fade, but also points out that the cultural significance of the development of Chinese post-modern drama evolution: in a multicultural environment, Chinese drama screenwriter and director in the early 1980 ‘s reform and opening up are faced with the problem is the self-image and the cultural identity, after the baptism of “modernization” and “post-modernization” , Chinese drama began to “respect the differences”, emphasis on “self-identity ” is the basic spirit of multiculturalism. And reach a consensus in more aspects: respecting the “differences ” will lead to fair competition and promoting democracy and open society; agreeing with “self” will enterprise and create vivid drama culture and national culture.

Ⅰ. 序言

Ⅱ. 解构与反叛:九十年代前半期后现代话剧的发展

Ⅲ. 娱乐化与左派政治化:九十年代后半期后现代话剧的发展

Ⅳ. 先锋化与实验性消褪:二十一世纪初叶后现代话剧的演进

Ⅴ. 中国后现代话剧演进的文化学意义

Ⅵ. 结语
