최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

沈佺期·宋之問 詩의 內容考

Shen Quanqi and Song Zhiwen had been mainly engaged as poets from the middle to of the latter of Tang Dynasty and went through politically unstable time leading to Wu Zetian, Zhongzong, Ruizong etc. Their major achievement can be said to have contributed to the formation of regulated verse in the history of poetry. This study examined the contents of Shen Quanqi and Song Zhiwen’s poems by classifying them into themes such as merit praise, desire for unworldliness, returning to home and longing for parents, farewell and missing, vanity of life etc. Poems with the theme of merit praise are shown in Eungjesi (Poetry Composed by King's Order) created by Shen Quanqi and Song Zhiwen as court poets and works mainly praising the prestige of the emperor form the mainstream and the dignity is splendid and solemn. Due to the busy government office life, Shen Quanqi and Song Zhiwen showed feelings wishing for staying in they country or expressed the desire for unworldliness express admiration for Taoism or Buddhism in the place of exile. Most poems showing feelings of returning to home and longing for parents are works created by them during the exile period and describe pain of the journey or scenery and customs of faraway land, emotion for faraway land, strongly reflecting feelings of returning to home and longing for parents on the basis. The style of other poems showing farewell and missing is sorrowful and resentful because most of them express the sorrow of parting with friends and sympathy. Most poems reflecting vanity of life are about change in greetings and show the grief of impermanence through the feeling of Hwijaebulwoo (An excellent talent has no opportunity to display his ability) or historical facts.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 내용분류

Ⅲ. 결론
