최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

전후 대만문학의 한국 인식

During the summer of 1945 to 1980 when the military dictatorship was prevalent in Korea, Taiwan's literature society focused on Korea's anti communism, economic growth and cultural heritages. That was because there were limited communications between clubs such as pen club and writers' associations between both counties. This kind of inactive communication between two countries got a turnaround when Taiwan's writers watched the democratization movement in Korea. Chen Ying-Zhen's report (Reporting literature) and other liberal writers' translation works helped Taiwanese people to watch Korea in different viewpoint. The description of Korea by traditional Taiwanese writers helped people find new image of Korea in 1980s. Especially, the in-depth description on the death of President Park Jung Hee by Ye Rong-Zhong in his essay is a good example showing that Taiwanese writers will get good impression on korea. The new recognition of history by pioneer writers is more actively successes to other writers when the new age begins to appear. For example, the Zhan Che's works on the construction of TMD in the Korean peninsula shows that his work exceeds the limit of works on 38th parallel military line by Luo Men. Recently Mr. Zhong Qiao, who is a playwriter and poet translated the works of Kim Nam Ju into Chinese and created and performed the plays related to the Korea's May 18th freedom movement. It showed that Taiwanese writers start to watch Korea with new viewpoint of history.

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