The thesis analyses the semantic relationships of 906 non-patient V-O compounds, and advances the concepts of the single semantic relationship and the multiple semantic relationship. It concludes the formulation standards of the single semantic relationship non-patient V-O compounds. For the multiple semantic relationship of non-patient V-O compounds, this thesis trying to discuss the effect on the meaning of the compound and components. Finally on the basis of the data, we found morphology and syntax are related from this perspective and the quantity of non-patient V-O compounds has a correspondence with the producing history of the V-O structure.
Ⅰ. 绪言
Ⅱ. 单一语义关系描写与分析
Ⅲ. 多重语义关系描写与分析
Ⅳ. 各类复合词所占权重及其中的规律