With the recent increase of demand and interest in Chinese language in Korea, people aiming to study China are also increasing. However, compared to English education in the aspect of regular school education, it has not been out of the frame of second foreign language, so that the awareness of Chinese language education is still relatively low. Considering the future Korea-China relation, the necessary of Chinese language learning might be very high. Under this condition, the researches on the vitalization of Chinese language course as a liberal arts with high practical value would be very essential. Thus, this study aimed to contribute to the future Chinese language education as a liberal arts, by understanding the current status of college Chinese language education as a liberal arts, and then suggesting improvement measures. First, widely educating the necessity of Chinese language education, more people should be induced to take the course. As most of the colleges designate the Chinese language course as optional or partially required, if it is designated as a required course, such problems could be resolved. Second, in most of the colleges, the Chinese language course as a liberal arts is organized for two or three credits, so that the number of lesson is insufficient with lots of students in a class while also conducting the relative evaluation. By expanding the number of lesson, limiting the proper number of students to 15, conducting P/F or absolute evaluation, and reducing the relative evaluation, learners' communication skills could be cultivated. Third, the lesson contents of the 1st and 2nd semesters should be connected to each other while also establishing courses considering learners' different level. Fourth, learners' abilities should be improved by performing team-teaching between Chinese people and Korean people. Through the credit recognition system in colleges of China, learners can acquire the practical Chinese language and also enhance the understanding of Chinese culture. As the most important duty, instructors should work hard to foster a sense of vocation and qualification.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ.교양중국어 교육의 필요성
Ⅲ. 대학 교양중국어 교육의 현황
Ⅳ. 교양중국어 교육의 개선방안
Ⅴ. 나오는 말