최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


The purpose of this study is to examine Chinese weapon culture through Chinese character analysis. The target Chinese characters were selected by referring to「中國 漢字文化大觀」 and 17 Chinese characters related to the weapon. The classification of the weapon was also classified according to the use of the weapon referring to the ancient weapon of the same book. The 16 characters except for '兵' means weapon are classified as '攻擊兵器' and '防護兵器', and '攻擊兵器' are further classified into 6 types. The details are as follows. 1).攻擊兵器 ①啄勾兵器: 戈 ②砍斫兵器: 刀、斤、斧、戉 ③刺擊兵器: 矛 ④斫刺兵器: 戟 ⑤打擊兵器: 殳 ⑥拋射兵器: 弓、彈、矢、射 2).防護兵器: 幹、盾、冑、甲 First, I analyzed the Chinese characters by referring to「說文解字」,「甲骨文編」, and「金文編」. Through the books related to culture, we dealt with the ancient Chinese perceptions of the weapons reflected in Chinese characters and culture related to the weapons.

Ⅰ. 引言

Ⅱ. 兵器的统称"兵"字

Ⅲ. 攻击兵器

Ⅳ. 防护兵器

Ⅴ. 结语
