Analysis of Causes of Marguerite Duras' Impact on Chen Ran's Creation Chen Ran is among one of the contemporary Chinese female writers that have a close connection to foreign literature. Of the many Western writers, Marguerite Duras has had one of the biggest impacts on her. They were born and lived as female writers in China and the West, respectively. Even though their countries were different, their personal life experiences and environments were similar, which resulted in similar creative characteristics and aesthetic styles between them. This study analyzed the effects Duras had on Chen Ran in three aspects: linguistic environment of the times, personal life experiences, and social environments. Duras showed Chen Ran new revelations with her ideas of creation and encouraged her to break out of the conventional ideas of novel creation and boldly test the various possibilities of modern novels.
Ⅰ. 绪论
Ⅱ. 陈染创作接受杜拉斯影响的原因探析
Ⅲ. 結論