This paper is a study on six works of rhapsodies which were written by Liu-zongyuan during the period of exile. Ancient rhapsodies contained a lot of lyricism. Liu-zongyuan, using the style of ancient rhapsodies, expressed his feelings and disaffections that came from the living of exile. In his six works, he indicated some of misconducts made by villainous retainers, but lots of his classical rhapsodies consist of the contents of melancholy stress pain and unsatisfaction about his exile life. All of rhapsodies researched in this paper are ancient style of rhapsodies originated by Quyuan. Using the style and character of ancient rhapsodies, he manifested his misfortune and unsatisfactory feelings of being exiled.
Ⅰ. 緖論
Ⅱ. 謫居와 著作
Ⅲ. 題材別 內容分析
Ⅳ. 形式上의 特徵
Ⅴ. 結論