Since Wangyi(王逸), many a Chuci(楚辭) scholar had explained Chuci(楚辭) as a loyalist’s poems. But if examine carefully Chuci(楚辭), I can find that many problems are include in it. Because at that time Wuti(武帝) emperor liked Chuyuan(屈原)’s <Lisao(離騷)>, many ministers excaveted, annotated, and edited Chuci(楚辭)’s productions, and writed Chuci(楚辭)’s imitated produtions. If Wuti(武帝) didn’t liked Chuyuan(屈原)’s <Lisao(離騷)>, many ministers also didn’t have interest in Chuci(楚 辭). So I emphasize Chuci(楚辭) is emperor’s literature. I think it is wrong that many a Chuci(楚辭) scholar considered Chuci(楚辭) as a loyalist’s poems from confucion’s views. In fact, Han(漢) dynasty was not confucion’s period, wac shamanism’s period.
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