최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

중국문학 속의 한국전쟁

Korean War in Chinese Literature

  • 10

Korean War in Chinese Literature Shin jeongho The goal of this paper is to explore the spirit of humanities that overcome war and restore humanity. As one of its effective methods, this paper reviews several records of China in the Korean War(韓國戰爭). For example, these are guidelines for the creation of war literature, and literary works by writers who participated in wars. There are two kinds of literature data that this paper focuses on. One is the creative guideline that must be followed when writing literature based on the Korean War. The other is a Chinese literary work published in Korean in North Korea. The data of the first group is confirmed by Mao Zedong(毛澤東, 1893-1976)'s order of the army, which emphasizes that it is The Political Basis(政治基礎) of war participation. The second group of materials are literary works based on the Korean War. This paper has paid more attention to Chinese works translated and published in North Korea. This is because this paper exposes the same point of view of North Korea and China in the Korean War from there. Ba Jin(巴金, 1904-2005)'s short story “Soldier Huang Wenyuan(黃文元同志)” is a representative example. The focus of this paper was not to investigate all types of literary works created based on the Korean War and to prepare statistical tables. Rather, this paper traces what kind of creative guidelines determined the characteristics and direction of literary works, and explored what parts of the work were secretly concealed or exaggerated in the process of creation and publication. In short, the topological goal of this paper explored the ideological function of war narrative. The in - depth focus of this paper is based on the results of exploring what parts are secretly concealed or exaggerated in the process of creation and publication. In short, I presented some suggestions on how to overcome war narrative and militant ideology. To this end, this paper refers to the various types of The Human Right to Peace in order to evoke the values that were concealed and oppressed during war and in war narratives. In a word, the ultimate goal is the recovery of human dignity or ethics. This ideological support not only provides suggestions for establishing the direction of revision of war and war narratives in China, but also is an important resource for designing peaceful coexistence of mankind. It will also be able to control China's excessive nationalism. Kangmeiyuanchao(抗美援朝) - Against the U.S.A.(美國) and volunteer North Korea(朝鮮), it is a Cold War period ideology, and it also is the slogan of the 20th century. It not only criticizes the Cold War ideology to be resurrected but also provides rich implications for peaceful control. After controlling for violent nationalism in the region and referring both to the ideological resources and historical experiences of the East and the West, China must create a future-oriented global value that is jointly pursued by human society.

Ⅰ. 서언

Ⅱ. 작품의 생산

Ⅲ. 전쟁과 윤리

Ⅳ. 결론에 대신하여
