최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


The inside and the outside of Taiwan indigenous literature discourse & Taiwan multicultural society establishment

The inside and the outside of Taiwan indigenous literature discourse & Taiwan multicultural society establishment Last 30years of discourse on Taiwanese aboriginal culture and literature made tangible results on the reestablishment of cultural subjectivity of the aborigines. Furthermore, such discourse was closely related to the ethic politics in Taiwan in the 80's and the localization in the 90's, and influenced the mainstream as a fringe group, serving as a crucial barometer of the development of Taiwanese society. Since the late 90's, Taiwanese society rapidly formed discourse on multi-cultural society. Focusing on this fact, this paper analyzes how the discourse on Taiwanese aboriginal literature responds to the construction of the multi-cultural society. Also, this paper analyzes how the text of the aboriginal literature is utilized in the education of multi-culture in a practical aspect. This study was conducted in three separate parts and is summarized as below. First, I analyzed a new motive for reconstruction of the aboriginal culture by searching reference material to investigate the process of discourse on Taiwanese multi-culture. In seccon section, I focus on the dialectic relationship between aboriginal literature and the mainstream literature to see how the discourse of the mainstream literature perceives aboriginal literature. Also, I discuss how the aborigine intellectuals formed the identity of aboriginal literature. third, application condition analysis of aboriginal literature in multi-culture education.

Ⅰ. 前言

Ⅱ. 台湾文化民族主义․多元文化思潮与原住民文化的转机

Ⅲ. 原住民文学與台灣文學社會的辯證关系

Ⅳ. 多元文化教育下的原住民文学

Ⅴ. 结论
