The Taosim, realized in Sushi's prose collections, was usually described as the Confucianism through the neutralization and reconstruction of Confucianism. In other words, he united Taoism and Confucianism as “following Confucianism on the outside and Taoism in the inside.” So he practiced morals with Confucianism and controled his mind with Taoism. When he held a government position, he persisted with Confucianism according to the occasion. He sought comfort through Taoism during his exile. Therefore, he harmonized Taoism, which takes a negative attitude to life and present society, and Confucianism, which is based on a positive participation during his lifetime. Though Sushi's belief present a passive attitude, considering his social situation and his misery, it was the opposite. He was able to show his positive spiritual aspects. In addition, this belief helped Sjshi mentally with his melancholy and it supported the principle basis for realization and processing problems. Therefore, his prose collections, based on this principle, were described as profound content and as abundant idea. It was an important cause that his work were also presented with his definite and clear letters which showed his style as a distinctive quality.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 宋代記文의 風格
Ⅲ. 蘇軾記文의 思想的 特色
Ⅳ. 맺음말