최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

唐代 取士제도와 唐詩의 상호관련양상 검토

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The purpose of this study is to investigate how the poetry of Dang dynasty had been formed and developed. This study is intended to approach to the research topic not from the aspects of pure literature but from other aspects beyond literature. This is not to deny the influence of the aspects of pure literature on the formation and development of the poetry of Dang dynasty. This study is rather to review how the Dang dynasty's public exam system contributed to the development of the dynasty and how the system also contributed to the development of the poetry of the dynasty. This is because the exam system is believed to be importantly related to the development of the poetry of the dynasty. This study also acknowledges that any kind of literature is formed along with various background factors. It is hopeful that the future researchers studying the poetry of the dynasty would be quite interested in this kind of study. It would be meaningful to study the cultural context of the dynasty to see the relationship between the poetry and the public exam system of the dynasty.

1. 서론

2. 신흥귀족(新貴)의 등장과 과거제도의 문화적 맥락

3. 行卷의 개념과 詩史的 의의 문제

4. ‘行卷’작품의 구체적 실례와 그 문학적 성과

5. 결론
