최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

이단과 비주류 소설을 둘러싼 논쟁

This thesis sets the non-mainstream novels - ones of Xiaoyemu, Luling and Wangmeng - as the subject of study. These types of novels were often criticized by the Chinese Communists and the political power of governments from 1949 to 1959. This study investigates the features of critical movements made in each period, the novels criticized in the period and the points of those criticisms. In particular, it analyzes the points of dispute with Xiaoyemu's “Our Conjugal Relations”, Luling's “The Battle in the Hollow Area” and Wangmeng's “The Guy Newly Entering a Club” As the themes of contemporary novels are made concerning the relationship between a revolution and the social reality, an inseparable relation with political power, this thesis considers the effect of political power on the culture (the creation of literature) and the interaction between political and cultural power. The contemporary criticisms on these three novels were not about the works themselves but derived from the necessities of contemporary societies. In fact, the criticism on Xioyemu's “Our Conjugal Relations” reflected the attitudes towards the wealthy class and the one on Luling's “The Battle in the Hollow Area” were essentially comments on the Hufeng group. It was known that the arguments and criticisms on Wangmeng's “The Guy Newly Entering a Club” made by Chinese political authorities and the conflicts between cultural powers were to seize intellectuals and the culture and literature of political powers which ruled for ten years since the establishment of new China.

1. 黨의 문예정책과 비주류 소설

2. 蕭也牧의 「우리 부부사이(我們夫婦之間)」에 대한 비판

3. 路翎의 「움푹한 지대에서의 “전투”( 地上的“戰役”)」에 대한 비판

4. 王蒙의 「조직부에 새로 온 청년(組織部新來的靑年人)」에 대한 비판

5. 맺음말
