The objective of this paper is to study The Record of Life in Manchuria([滿洲紀事])와 Thinking My Hometown([思故鄕]) written by Suk-ju, Yee Sang-yong through textual linguistic theory. These works are similar in terms of time of writing and their contents.First of all, I examine the structure of these works. The structure of contents is composed of big text according to the purpose of writing, and a few sub-text. While the form of The Record of Life in Manchuria is a quatrain with seven words to a line and 16 Sue 66 Kue, Thinking My Hometown is a composition in classical Chinese verse which has seven syllables in a line and 52 Kue. These two poems have united structure that is binding on verse with a fixed form and show distinguishing feature which needs a criterion for judging of binding and other textuality.Seen through intertextuality, these works show similarities in a historical background and contents. I found that the equivalence in meaning of these two texts is high generally, even though they show difference of expression. And I dealt with the different contents between two works because they are based on theme faithfully which disclose in title.
1. 머리말
2. 텍스트의 내용 구조 분석
3. 텍스트의 결속구조 및 결속성
4. 텍스트의 상호텍스트성
5. 맺음말