The primary objective of this thesis is to study the position of LIHE(離合)construction in the syntax of modern Chinese languages, which may be translated literally as 'split and match construction' that involves the separation and combination of component parts in the syntax.In the modern Chinese, there exists a phenomenon called LIHE(離合, split and match)construction in which component parts will be appeared as one single word in the sentences or as a phrase that sometimes becomes separated due to the insertion of other components in the middle of the arrangement of words. Concerning the structure having such distinctive features, in this thesis, the starting point for observation was differed based on the fact that the basic path for forming compound words had been developing from the use in a phrase to a single word. In this thesis, LIHE(離合)construction was considered rather closer to the category of phrase, although it emerges simultaneously in the position as of a single word and phrase, in view of the characteristics held by LIHE(離合)construction and the usage thereof.Existence of LIHE(離合)construction is the one of the distinctive features that characterizes the modern Chineses in the changing process of Chinese languages. And along with the increasing tendency of newly invented word or phrase on account of the method of neologism formation of Chinese languages and necessity for expressions as well LIHE(離合)construction will also be increased.
Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 句와 複合詞의 5가지 기본 統辭構造
Ⅲ. 述目式 「離合」構造의 性格
Ⅳ. 나오는 말