최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

이건승의 망명 한시에 나타난 상황성

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The objective of this paper is to study Chinese poems written by Lee Keon-seung. I examined the relationship between his work and a historical background. I looked in his life in exile, his life in China, cultural exchanges with the Chinese, and interchange with his fellow countrymen in connection with its historical situation. So, I found that his works had been affected widely by his personal life and a special historical event. This means that his works had been connected to what textual linguistics say, ”Situationality” and were fused by social and personal situation greatly. In other words, the life of writer who produce the work and the background of work are projected in the poem. Especially, if needed, I put a supplementary explain parts of the work and made a situational interpretation about its content. It was early December, 1910, when Japan violate national sovereignty of korea, that Kyeongje(경재) came to China by cart through Amnokgang(압록강). He departed from Kanghwado(강화도) in September 24th, 1910, through Kaeseong(개성), waiting for the Amnokgang(압록강) frozen hard for two month in Uiju(의주) and arrived in Heungdochon(흥도촌), Hoeinhyeon(회인현). Even though he took refuge in a foreign country because he can't bear his homeland absurdities, he felt mental pain by losing friends infected an endemic. In the end, he died of a disease, 1924, 67 years old. He led a life full of tears and regrets. There were works which include a warmhearted story between Hong Seung-hyeon(홍승현), Jeong Won-ha(정원하), and An Hyo-je(안 효제), who have affection more than brotherly ties. And there were interchange poems between friends including Hwang Won(황원), Jeong In-bo(정인보), Park eun-sik(박은식), and Kim Taek-yeong(김택영), as well as Lee Keon-bang(이건방). Kyeongje's exile Chinese poems show no sign that he spent his life to get restoration of national sovereignty. But He was terribly distressed by not participating in fighting towards Japan because he was old and took a disease. He also prayed constantly for regaining Korea's independence.

1. 머리말

2. 망명 과정과 중국에서의 생활

3. 국내․외 동포 지기들과의 교류시

4. 맺음말
