최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

상하이 영화 연구Ⅰ

In the 1930s, Concession culture, which included East vs. West, Old vs. New and Faith vs. Secular, had been set up in Old Shanghai. Such concession culture played key role in making Old Shanghai film by offering a spatio-temporal situation in those days.≪桃李劫(FATE OF COLLEGE GRADUATES)≫≪神女(GODDESS)≫≪馬路天使(STREET ANGELS)≫≪十字街頭(CROSSROADS)≫ are Old Shanghai films with a job entry of intellectual youth and a life of lower class people. By dealing with the tales of unemployment, romance, suicide and murder, the films reflect some social problems in Old Shanghai. The film scene includes a montage of allegorical shots that are the surge of Chinese flow for modern western culture such as urban crowds, western dresses, calendars of actress' pictures, clocks, guitars and figures for drawing.Chinese Cinema is stipulating that so-called Shanghai film is basically produced in Shanghai city. This means the film follows the phenomena of urbanized and westernized Shanghai and raises the social problems with them. Old Shanghai film in the 1990s, was filled with nostalgia on Old Shanghai and now it is being expected to be influenced by commercial values as a sign of Shanghai.

1. 錯綜된 역사문화의 시공간, 라오상하이

2. 租界・海派・都市

3. 영상 서사 기획과 공간 알레고리(allegory)

4. 懷舊/想像:라오상하이・상하이・영화
