최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第100輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

慶長版『倭玉篇』唇内撥音字의 漢字音 연구

A Study on Syllabic Labial-Nasal Sounds of Chinese Characters in the Keichou Version of “Wagokuhen”

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2023..100.006

本稿は『倭玉篇』の唇内撥音字を中心に『文明本節用集』と比較して、漢字音の系統を明らかにしたものである。また、両書において不一致である場合は当時の諸韻書の文明版『聚分韻略』、慶長版『聚分韻略』、略韻、『字鏡集』などとも比較し、『倭玉篇』の漢字音が当時の規範的な音とどの程度一致するのかも究明した。その結果、『倭玉篇』の右音注は深攝、咸摂ともに『文明本節用集』の漢音と一致度が相当高かったが、『倭玉篇』の左音注は呉音と一致する字が多くなかったことが明らかになった。結局、『倭玉篇』の漢字音の系統の観点から見ると、『文明本節用集は朱筆-漢音、墨筆-呉音という対応関係を持っているのに対し、『倭玉篇』は右音-漢音、左音-呉音の対応関係は成立しないことが分かった。 一方、『倭玉篇』と『文明本節用集』、諸韻書の漢字音との一致度がかなり高いことから、『倭玉篇』に注記された漢字音は当時ある程度規範的な音を注記しているといえる。一方、『倭玉篇』は第1音に漢音だけでなく、当時一般的に通用していた呉音、慣用音も注記していることが分かった。

In this article, I studied the system of Chinese characters focusing on Shinnai Hatsonnji in the Keichou Version of “Wagokuhen” with “Bunmeibonsetsuyousyu”. I revealed that the right notes of “Wagokuhen” were quite consistent with the Chinese notes of both “Sinsetsu” and “Kansetsu” in “Bunmeibonsetsuyousyu”. On system of Kana notation of Chinese characters of “Ryakuin” “Keichouban Syubuninryaku” and “Wagokuhen” had a high degree of agreement with the tone of Syunnai hatsuonnji. On the other hand, it was found that the first note of “Wagokuhen” not only notes the Chinese “漢音 (Kan’on)”, but also notes the “呉音 (Go’on)” and “慣用音 (Kan’youon)”, which were commonly used at that time. And the degree of consistency with the Chinese characters in the rhyme books such as “Wagokuhen” and “Bunmeibonsetsuyousyu” was quite high. It can be said that the kanji notes in “Wagokuhen” had some standard notes at that time. In particular, when analyzing the discrepancy, it was found that “Wagokuhen” has a high degree of consistency with the rhyme, and that it has a fairly prescriptive note.

1. 서론

2. 선행연구

3. 慶長版『倭玉篇』의 音注加点

4. 慶長版『倭玉篇』의 唇内撥音字音形의 분포 상황

5. 慶長版『倭玉篇』의 唇内撥音字의 한자음 계통

6.慶長版『倭玉篇』과 『文明本節用集』의 한자음 일치도

7. 결론

