최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第100輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널


An Ecological Psychological Analysis of Inanimate Subject Middles and Demotional Passives in Japanese: Focusing on Self-perception

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2023..100.010


This study reviews asymmetries between middles and demotional passives in Japanese through self-perception, a key concept of ecological psychology. Furthermore, it proposes AI-mediated learning plans that can demonstrate middles and demotional passives. First, the asymmetry between middles and demotional passives occurs based on the direct perception of the self, that is, the ecological self, the publicity of the point of observation and the publicity and attributes of the perception. Second, zero type semantics and the volition of a subject are relevant factors. The middle construction is restricted by the zero type semantics, but the demotional passive is not. In addition, the use of middle constructions consciously or unconsciously involves a semantically implied agent, while this occurs only consciously in the case of demotional passives. Third, in middle constructions, movement of a viewpoint and objectification of self are accompanied, but not in demotional passives. Fourth, middle constructions share the social foundation with the subject and the perceiver, but demotional passives do not. Fifth, middle constructions and demotional passives are symmetric in that they are acquired through episodic memory together, but they are asymmetric in that middle constructions are acquired by observer memory and demotional passives by field memory and semantic memory. Finally, among AI-mediated learning methods, an asymmetry between middles and demotional passives occurs in unsupervised learning.

1. はじめに

2. 中間構文と降格構文の形態·統語·意味特徴

3. 「自己知覚」の理論的背景

4. 先行研究

5. 中間構文·降格構文と自己知覚

6. 中間構文·降格構文を通した人間と人工知能との疎通可能性

7. 終わりに

