최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第100輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

우치노 겐지(内野健児) 시에 나타난 조선어 ‘바가지’의 의미

The Meaning of the Korean Word ‘Pacacci’ in Uchino Kenji’s poem: Focussing on Drawing on the Mud Wall, Kachi, and Bedbugs

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2023..100.016


In March 1921, Kenji Uchino stayed in Daejeon, Korea, and worked as a national-language teacher at a junior high school and published his first poem book, Drawing on the Wall, in October 1923. A month later, however, the poem book was impounded, and, after censorship, the content was partially removed. He was banished from Korea in July 1928, and he published his second poem book, Kachi, in July 1930. Two months later, he started his career under the name of Tetsu Arai. In October 1937, his third poem book, Bedbugs, was published after the content was partially removed. The primary aim of the present article is to consider how Kenji Uchino, who worked in Daejon, Korea during the colonial era, looked at colonised Korea as a coloniser. To this end, I present a statistical, object analysis of the frequencies and usage of Korean words in each poem book. In particular, I calculate and compare the frequencies of Korean words used in Drawing on the Mud Wall, Kachi, Bedbugs, and the poems not included in these poem books. A wide range of expressions are used for various Korean things, and notably, Korean words are transcribed in terms of hiragana and katakana. This seems to indicate that Kenji Uchino did more than experiencing the life in Korea.

1. 들어가며

2. 외부인 눈에 비친 조선 바가지

3. 조선인과 일체화

4. 흐린 기억 속의 조선

5. 나가며

