최근 검색어 전체 삭제
日本語文學 第100輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

다무라 류이치(田村隆一)의 시에 나타난 삶의 태도와 의지 고찰

Study on the Attitudes and the Will of Life through Tamura’s Poems: Focusing on “Four Thousand Days and Nights” and “World Without Words”

本論文は、田村隆一の『四千の日と夜』と『言葉のない世界』を中心に詩人の生に対する姿勢がどうように変わっていくのかについて考えてみた。 特に二つの詩集の共通点を探して、それがどのように両詩集を結び付けているか、またどのように詩人の考えを表しているのかについて探ってみた。それで、良く見えるキーワードである「沈黙」と「叫び」の意味を探ってみた結果、これが「生」と「死」の跡で、死は生から誕生するもので、生も死から誕生するものだという、いわば「生の循環システム」のようなものだということを確認した。つづいて、また他のキーワードである「灰色」と生物たちの跡を探ってみた結果、最初の詩集では実存に対する質問、死と生に対する質問が主なテーマだったのに対して、『言葉のない世界』に至っては新たな道に導いてくれた灰色が、だんだん「自然の色」に変わっていく途中であることだとわかることができた。この二つの詩集に見える小さな変化の兆しは結局、詩人の生に対する姿勢の変化に繋がっていることを確認することができた。

In this article, I will identity Ryuichi Tamura’s manner of life by comparing two of his early works. He is one of the representative poets in the postwar period in Japan. As a main member of the second “Arechi”, he was very dispassionate about the Japanese society which was right after WWII and depicted the dark side of it. He had many young supports at that time, because he was realistic. However, to the public it is difficult to understand and sympathize with his poems. For example, he mostly used abstract poetic words and employed Western ideas and poetic expressions. My goal is to look into his personal thoughts described in his poems. I checked two common keywords: ‘silence’ and ‘scream’ from the first poetical works “Four Thousand Days and Nights” (1956) and the second “World Without Words” (1962). In his first poetical works, he continuously showed the doubt of presence, question of death and living during the postwar period of the Japanese society after the defeat in WWII. However, in the second work, I found that he kept gradually free from hurt from the War and focused more on searching for his desirable life vision. Also, through the gray color, which is common among the two works and the trail of another living things, I could realize the process in which he started to focus on the colors of nature and how they affected his life.

1. 들어가며

2. 다무라의 황무지

3. ‘침묵’과 ‘외침’

4. 변하기 시작한 문학적 삶

5. 나오며

